Value Proposition
This workshop will explore what makes your business idea unique and how to market the value of your product or service to your customer.
The goal of this workshop is to not only introduce the participants to how to develop a value proposition, but also help them apply it to their business endeavour.
Creating a powerful value proposition is a vital stage in developing your company’s business plan and brand identity. It is also an important early step in your overall marketing strategy and will be a valuable resource for making informed brand-related decisions in the short, medium and long term for your business.
Through the process of building your value proposition you will determine what your customers will pay for that value. The value proposition design template will make you think about customer value in an in-depth manner and open your business idea up for further validation.
The Value Proposition workshop will include a 2-hour online workshop, a 30 minute question session, and a one hour 1-on-1 advisory follow up with each participant.
Participants who attend the session will be entered to win a WESTEM SWAG box! Draw will take place at the end of the session.
Meet Your Presenter: Karla Peterson
Karla has worked in the innovation eco-system for the past five years and is passionate about working with startups and SME’s.
She understands the challenges that startups have in general, as well as some of the other struggles that women face to succeed. Karla works with companies to understand who their customers are, develop and implement strategy, and work with them to build and grow their business, knowing when to support and when to push. Karla also works with women on how to promote themselves and their companies.
IMPORTANT: Please note this is a live event that will be delivered during the date and time indicated.
WESTEM programming is mandated to support rural/remote Southern Alberta women; does not include Calgary.