Discover what stage you’re at in your entrepreneurial journey
Start Your Business
Do you have an idea of an innovative technology or tech-enabled business you’re ready to pursue?
You fit in our Early-Stage Startup category if you can relate to some or most of the following criteria:

- You have a business idea you’d like to explore
- You have identified a need for your product or service and are not sure how to market it
- You are looking for help with prototyping
- You are not sure where to start when it comes to commercializing your product or service
- You are looking for advice on how to get started
Connect with RINSA so we can connect you to valuable resources including:
- Access to RootApp for building up your idea
- Access to prototyping supports at the University of Lethbridge
- Early-Stage and prototyping entrepreneur supports through theThe University of Lethbridge is a publicly funded comprehensive academic and research university, founded in the liberal education tradition, with an enrollment of over 8700 undergraduate and graduate students. The University contributes to the entrepreneurial ecosystem through our industry/research collaborations/partnerships, Office of Research and Innovation Services, and early-stage entrepreneurial programming provided by Agility. University of Lethbridge Agility Innovation Zone
- Explore Education on Demand self-paced entrepreneurship fundamentals
- Explore partner organization supports
- Guest speaker presentations through the AgENT Program at the Lethbridge College
Upcoming events
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RINSA Biweekly Coffee ChatWeekly
Tech Sales TuesdaysRepeating Event
Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta
The Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta (RINSA) was formed in 2011 as a collaborative partnership between Alberta Innovates with Economic Development Lethbridge/Tecconnect, Lethbridge College, and the University of Lethbridge. It has since grown to over 14 member organizations:
- Tecconnect / EDL
- University of Lethbridge
- Lethbridge College
- Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce
- Okotoks Economic Development
- Piikani Resource Development
- Blackfoot Confederacy Tribal Council Entrepreneurship Committee
- Blood Tribe Economic Development
- Community Futures Lethbridge Region
- Southgrow Regional Initiative
- Alberta Southwest Regional Economic Development
- BIPOC Foundation
- Rural Women Entrepreneurs in Technology
- Alberta Innovates
In 2023, Economic Development Lethbridge partnered with Innovate Calgary to initiate the launch of the Elevate IP program to ensure rural/remote and under-represented entrepreneurs such as Indigenous and Newcomers across Alberta have access to IP strategy and implementation resources. Ask us about what Elevate IP can do to protect your intellectual property!
Still Have Questions?
Get in Touch!
Alberta Innovation Network
The Alberta Innovation Network, supported by Alberta Innovates, is a cooperative of regional networks across the province. Each Regional Innovation Network (RIN) is made up of like-minded organizations, passionate about growing the entrepreneurial ecosystem both in their region and across Alberta. RINs work to provide support, programming, and networking connections to small and mid-size businesses with a focus on growing and commercializing their technology and innovation.
Calgary | Central Alberta | Edmonton | Fort McMurray | Grand Prarie | Lethbridge | Lloydminister | Medicine Hat