RINSA Biweekly Coffee Chat

Looking to brainstorm, solve a problem in your business, or just get some insight on what supports and services are available through RINSA?

Join Program Manager, Charlee Sereda, for open office hours at local businesses around the region. Every second Thursday at 10am until noon Charlee will be at a business in the RINSA region (Lethbridge and surrounding towns) welcoming founders, advisors, service providers, or anyone interested to sit and chat about whatever is important for you in your business. Learn about accelerator programs, connect with industry experts for advice, chat about common barriers or pain points that RINSA could help you work through, or hear about the latest events in the region to build your network.

No registration necessary, just show up when you can make it! The event location and further details will be posted the Monday prior to RINSA Biweekly Coffee Chat. If you are interested in hosting Charlee at your business for a couple of hours, please email charlee@chooselethbridge.ca. We’d love to hear from you!


Apr 10 2025


10:00 am - 12:00 pm

More Resources:
