Developing Your Marketing Calendar
The Smart Way to Grow™ while taking your business to the next level!
Learn how to put together a 12-month marketing calendar that you can revise and implement to meet your goals!
At the end of the workshop, participants will have a marketing calendar that they can use to:
• Plan ahead to meet revenue goals
• Keep track of status of various marketing activities (Ex. Researching new target markets for your products/services)
• Track performance of your marketing actions
This marketing calendar template has been successfully used by dozens of marketing directions clients:
“This marketing calendar template helped me organize content and timing for all of my marketing activities for the year. I could quickly track where I was spending money, measure return on my marketing investment and plan in advance where I would be investing in marketing. This visual tool helped me meet my sales targets.”
– Lory Troche, CEO, Produce to Pay Digital Transformation Leader
After the sessions, business advising hours will be available to participants to supplement their marketing calendar.
• Friday, December 3, 2021 (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM)
• Thursday, December 9, 2021 (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM)
For each session attended, participants will get one entry into a draw to win a WESTEM SWAG box! Draw will take place during the last session (December 9).
Meet Your Presenter: Pauline Patenaude
Pauline Patenaude, MBA, FCMC, B.Comm. is a former employee/contractor of Alberta Women Entrepreneurs and BC Womens Entreprise Centre, therefore, have experience providing support, education and advice to women entrepreneurs in STEM.
Pauline was the Business Growth Advisor and Heather was the Director of Growth Programs in 2014 – 2015. Some of Pauline’s success stories include Jennifer Broe and Jill Vos from Baby Gourmet Foods, Calgary, AB and Dr. Linda Miller from EWI Works, Edmonton, AB. In 2018, Pauline received the Constantinus International ICMCI Global Consulting Silver Award 2018, Milan, Italy for the work completed with Fort McMurray businesses after the 2016 wildfires.
IMPORTANT: Please note this is a live event that will be delivered during the dates and times indicated.
WESTEM programming is mandated to support rural/remote Southern Alberta women; does not include Calgary.