Ask Alberta AG Anything
Ask Alberta Agriculture anything from food manufacturing, to agri-tech supports for scaling to retail.
Join us for this Q&A style webinar and bring your questions, from food manufacturing to scaling for retail, Alberta Agriculture is here to help!
If you would like to send any questions in advance, please e-mail them to westem@chooselethbridge.ca.
Meet Your Presenters:
Margurite Thiessen, PHEc
– Value Chain Specialist
– Food and Bio Processing Branch
– Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
– Government of Alberta
Margurite Thiessen, PHEc. works as a Business Development Officer with the Food and Bio Processing Branch, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. In this role Margurite supports Alberta food businesses and processors with the expertise to navigate, grow and succeed in multiple domestic market channels. Margurite facilitates connections and partnerships for business collaboration, provides coaching, resources and tools to enable food businesses to expand or enter new markets.
Eileen Kotowich
– Farmers’ Market Specialist
– Food Science & Development Section
– Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Participants who attend the session will be entered to win a WESTEM SWAG box! Draw will take place at the end of the session.
IMPORTANT: Please note this is a live event that will be delivered during the date and time indicated.
WESTEM programming is mandated to support rural/remote Southern Alberta women; does not include Calgary.