As one of Canada’s preeminent centres of artificial intelligence, we thrive in our unique role bridging world-leading research and industry. Join us as we cultivate scientific excellence, develop talent and coach businesses on AI adoption. We partner with companies of all sizes, across industries, to drive innovation strategy and provide practical guidance and advice, corporate training and talent recruitment services. The true potential of AI is unlocked when you build internal capabilities, and that’s where we excel.


Our teams of researchers advance the frontiers of scientific knowledge across a full spectrum of AI and machine learning research. From staff scientists to academic researchers, we develop the theoretical foundations of AI and create leading-edge applications for state-of-the-art technologies.

Your business

In our rapidly changing world, artificial intelligence is creating a significant competitive advantage for companies that want to grow. Solving customer queries, improving fraud detection, producing more crops with fewer resources, detecting disease earlier, optimizing shipping routes to save time and money, harnessing data to predict the need for future products and more…there are so many ways to advance your business with AI.

We empower organizations to push boundaries and redefine what’s possible with AI. Drive down costs. Boost efficiency. Strengthen the core of your business. With AI, you and your business can do more.

AI Literacy

Whether you’re just starting with AI or you’re already putting it into practice, Amii is here to grow your AI literacy. Through our classes, courses and special programs, our world-class experts help individuals of all backgrounds gain valuable AI knowledge and skills.


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