by Charlee Sereda | Nov 12, 2021 | Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Programs, Technology
Alberta’s high potential, high growth, technology and knowledge-based small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may be eligible for funding to enable them to employ a highly trained resource with the goal of advancing business readiness levels and/or accelerating...
by Charlee Sereda | Nov 12, 2021 | Business Fundamentals, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource, Programs
The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is a training program where an employer applies on behalf of their present or future employees for eligible training costs. Employers decide who gets training and what type of training may be needed for their employees. Funding provided by...
by Charlee Sereda | Jul 16, 2021 | Business Fundamentals, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Funding
Helping Alberta’s digital companies scale and grow their business Alberta Digital Traction is a funding program of up to $50,000 for small-and medium-sized Alberta enterprises (SMEs) that have software development at the core of one or more of their products and/or...
by Charlee Sereda | Jul 5, 2021 | Business Fundamentals, Entrepreneurship, Funding
Alberta Export Expansion Program Funding to help export-ready companies and non-profit organizations enhance access to international markets and attract global buyers. The Alberta Export Expansion Program provides funding support to Alberta small and medium-sized...
by Charlee Sereda | Jul 5, 2021 | Business Fundamentals, Entrepreneurship, Technology
Supporting Alberta’s entrepreneurs Regional Innovation Networks are entrepreneur-centric, community-based networks with the goal of providing programs and services to accelerate growth of technology and knowledge-based businesses in those jurisdictions. Each Regional...
by Charlee Sereda | Jul 5, 2021 | Business Fundamentals, Entrepreneurship, Funding, Grants, Investment Readiness, Technology
Grants to support business and technology development Vouchers help Alberta’s high potential, high growth, technology and knowledge-based small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with technologies in the mid-to-late developmental stages but may include some early...