If you are an Alberta start up, small or medium sized company working on innovative geospatial technology products, you may qualify for a non-dilutive, 0% interest loan, repayable only after your product generates revenue.

The BUILD Program provides funding for projects with budgets greater than $300,000 with TECTERRA providing funding of up to 50% of your development and commercialization costs, to a maximum of $500,000 per project.

To be considered for funding

A company must be:
  • A for-profit company
  • Incorporated and operating in Alberta
  • Minimum of one and no more than 500 full-time employees
  • Annual sales revenue ordinarily not exceeding $50 million
Projects must include:
  • The development of innovative products that include geospatial technology in the value chain
  • Include a comprehensive technology commercialization plan
  • Have a well-defined target market or customer
  • Provide regular full-time employment for at least one net new Highly Qualified Personnel to work in Alberta on the development and/or commercialization of the project
Duration of projects
  • Projects should last between 12 to 24 months including product development completion and start of commercialization
Funding Ratio
  • TECTERRA will invest up to 50% of eligible total project costs
Funding Amounts
  • TECTERRA matching contribution: $150,000 to $500,000 per project
Key technology and market priorities for this program include but are not limited to:
  • Resource Management
  • Clean Technologies
  • Smart Cities
  • Unmanned Systems
  • Internet of Things (IoT)

Find out more: https://tecterra.com/programs/build/